本帖最后由 华夏国际艺苑 于 2024-2-16 13:24 编辑
菲利普島又稱“企鵝島”,是澳大利亞維多利亞州南部西港海灣口的一座島嶼。島嶼的東側建有橋梁與大陸的聖雷莫(San Remo)相連,形狀酷似海豚。島上自然公園有“企鵝生態保護區”、“丘吉爾島傳統農莊”、“考拉保育中心”和“新諾比司中心”等景點。
Phillip Island, also known as "Penguin Island", is an island at the mouth of Westport Bay in the southern state of Victoria, Australia. The eastern side of the island is connected to San Remo on the mainland by a bridge shaped like a dolphin. The island nature park has attractions such as "Penguin Ecological Sanctuary", "Churchill Island Traditional Farm", "Koala Conservation Centre" and "New Nobis Centre".