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已有 356 次阅读2013-4-10 11:53

喻继高(1932- )著名工笔花鸟画家,教授。江苏徐州人。毕业于南京师范大学美术系。历任江苏省国画院副院长,江苏省美术协会副主席,中国画研究院院务委员,中国工笔画学会副会长等职。作品曾参加全国第三、六、七、八、十次性美术展览并多次获奖。1986年,1988年,1997年分别在北京、广州、美国纽约、联合国总部等地举办个展,许多作品曾在美国、加拿大、英国、日本、印度等三十多个国家和地区展出,并为一些博物馆、海外知名人士、国家领导人收藏。代表作品有:《梨花春雨》;〈玉兰锦雉〉;<香远溢清>;〈荷香鸭肥〉;<白鹭颂>;<春和景明>等。曾为国家人民大会堂、钓鱼台国宾馆、中南海接待大厅等国家重要场所创作巨幅工笔花鸟画三十余张,为党和国家作出了巨大贡献。1997年,在纽约联合国总部展出时为他颁发了奖状,以表扬他在中国传统绘画上的卓越地位和为世界文化交流作出的巨大贡献。出版有<喻继高画集>; <中国近现代名家画集>; <中国著名画家喻继高画集>等三十余部专著,其单页画作品的印刷出版达八千余万张之巨,深受大众喜爱。
Mr. Jigao Yu, master of meticulous flowers and birds’ brushwork in China, was born in Xuzhou, China in 1932. Since his graduation from the Arts Faculty of Nanjing Normal University, he had been Vice-Director of Jiangsu Province Chinese Painting Institute, Vice-President of Jiangsu Province Artists’ Association, Consultant to Jiangsu Province Federation of Literary and Art Circles and executive member of the National Chinese Painting Research Institute. Mr. Yu is now Vice-President of China National Society of Flowers and Birds’ Painting.
Mr. Jigao Yu learnt painting earlier from two masters -Mr. Baoshi Fu and Mr. Zhifo Chen. He has created a great number of fine works which have been nationally and internationally exhibited, including more than 30 countries throughout the world such as the USA, Canada, the UK, Japan and India. His paintings earned him the acclaim and recognition from both the Chinese people and the peoples of other countries and were awarded time and again. Many of his works have been in collection by the historical and art museums, art enthusiasts, elite of society, political heavyweights and heads of states. Yu’s huge paintings were installed at Beijing in Zhongnanhai -seat of the top leading bodies of China, Diaoyutai Guest House, Great Hall of the People and Tian An Men Gate – a symbol of New China. He had his personal exhibition in the HQ of the United Nations at New York in 1997 and was awarded the Certificate of Citation in recognizing his outstanding position in the traditional Chinese painting and his remarkable achievement in promoting international cultural exchange. Tens of his painting albums have been published, such as“Compilation of Jigao Yu’s Meticulous Flowers and Birds’ Paintings”. He has had more than 80 million sheets of his paintings published. The Chinese Central Television (CCTV) had a special program known as “Son in the Orient” made for Master Yu in introducing him and his artistic career.
Mr. Jigao Yu is a leading artist in China, excelling in the meticulous flowers and birds’ painting and is praised as “the most celebrated artist for the meticulous flowers and birds’ painting in China”.






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