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Curriculum Vitae

热度 585已有 3025 次阅读2013-1-9 16:43

                               Curriculum Vitae
WU Gaozhong, born in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, China.
Lives and works in Beijing
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2006  Spectral Memory: Wu Gaozhong Solo Exhibition, Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China2008  Wu Gaozhong Solo Exhibition LOFT gallery, Barcelona, Spain
2008  Spectral Memory--Wu Gaozhong’s Solo Exhibition, Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art,       Shanghai, China
2010  Roving, Linda Gallery, Singapore
2012  Wu Gaozhong—See The Unseen  Bi—Cities  Exhibitions Of Chinese New Painting   China Hangzhou
Selected Group Exhibitions
2012  NOT NOW      Songzhang Art Center,Beijing, China
DARK MATTER—Heterogeneous Representation of Contemporary Art
       Art Exhibition – Zone   LDX Hong Kong Gallery's grand opening
ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONS  OV Gallery  Shanghai, China
Art Stage Singapore, Singapore
2011  I Believe that——Chinese Contemporary Art in Songzhang   Songzhang Art Center
Beijing, China
Art Stage Singapore, Singapore
      Rational Horizon, Force Gallery Korea, Beijing, China
      The Documenta of Chinese Performance Art---1985-2010
      Homeward Bound I Go—Mobile Museum of Art on the Lake opening, Beijing, China
Shanshui-Poetry without sound? Landscape in Chinese Contemporary Art, Kunstmuseum Luzern
 History & New Songzhuang  ShangShang Art Center
ART CENTER--Cities  Exhibitions Of Chinese New Painting
2010 Chinese contemporary group show, Eli Klein Fine Art, USA
Art Miami, Eli Klein Fine Art USA
       Chasing Flames,  Zadok Gallery, Miami USA
     Homeward Bound I Go—The 1st Contemporay Painting Exhibition at Pudong International Airport, Shanghai, China
2009   Art Basel Miami Beach, Miami, America
       Art Chicago, the International Fair of Contemporary and Modern Art, America                 The LA Art Show, Eli Klein Fine Art USA
2008  Chinese Fantasies – Found Museum Opening Exhibition, Found Museum, Beijing, China
       Art Multiple 2008,Ke Center for Contemporary Arts,Shanghai,China
       FOTOFEST “The Twelfth International Biennal of Photography and Photo-related art”.          Houston, America
       Red Aside – Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection”, Fundació, Joan Miró,       Barcelona/Spain
       Sunshine International Art Year Exhibition, Sunshine International Art Museum, Beijing
       Heart Rooms, LDX Art Center, Beijing, China
       Five Years of Duo Lun – Chinese Contemporary Art Retrospective Exhibition,
       DuoLun Museum
2007   Asian Attitude / Soft Power: Contemporary Asian Art, Shanghai Zendai Museum of
        Modern Art, Shanghai, China  
        Asian Attitude / European Attitude National Museum of Poznan, Poland
        China under Construction—Contemporary Art from the People's Republic, Art Houston,         Houston, TX, USA
        ZHUYI! CHINA: Contemporary Photography from China, Artium Museum of
        Contemporary Art, Spain
        Fractured Visions: Chinese Video Art, Center for Asian Studies, University of SC, USA
        Mahjong – Chinese Contemporary Art from the Sigg Collection,
        Kunsthalle Hamburg/Germany    Museum of Modern Art, Salzburg/Austria
2006   The City of Fremantle Festival of Photography, Art Center of Fremantle, Australia
        Misalignments: Chinese Video and Performance Art Documenta, UCB Institute of East        Asian Studies, USA
       Our Impediment—Contemporary Art Exhibition, White Canvas Gallery, Nanjing, China
2005   Mahjong, Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Kunstmuseum,
       Bern, Switzerland
       Unusual Scene, Five Chinese Contemporary Artists Case Analysis,
       Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
       Inward Gazes—Documentaries of Chinese Performance Arts, Museu de Arte de Macau,       Macau,China
2004   China International Architecture and Art Biennial, International Urban Public Space
        Exhibition, Beijing Planning Museum, China
2002   Sun Bathing--- Open-air Art Party, DaTangJinDao, Nanjing, China
2001   Sources of Bodies and Objects, Contemporary Art Exhibition, Art Commune,
        Hong Kong, China
2000   Man and Animal Performance Art Exhibition, Qingliangshan Park,
       Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
1999   Writing Manner of Leading Qualities, Prints and Calligraphy Exhibition of Chinese
        Contemporary Artists, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu, China







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flicker 彩虹炫 | flicker 显身卡 | [匿名艺友]2017-1-3 14:36
That's really thinikng out of the box. Thanks!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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